Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Imperfect storm

It has been a somewhat frustrating week for my corporation. A bad run on inventions combined with a shortfall of a few materials, compounded by a busy personal life and so reduced time in Eve, conspired to reduce my manufacturing to a trickle. The corp wallet ticked over a billion for the first time though, but then I had to spend well over 100m on materials. There are clearly lessons to be learned though and once I've had the opportunity to do a bit more analysis, I'll do a proper post on managing operational efficiency. I've been building a little spreadsheeet to help with forward planning and the numbers that come out of that should be illuminating.

There's also a bit of a backlog of stuff to sell, although that's not too bad, prices seem stable and if anything on a marginal upwards trend. There's a bit of speculation on the forums that this is down to the increasing prices of the tech II manufacturing materials which are built from Planetary Interaction, although personally I think this has a pretty slim impact. My "forward planning" spreadsheet will also show my "materials basket" and I should be able to analyse the real impact of the rise in price PI products, and compare the impact to the downwards trend in mineral prices. At the moment I'm skeptical that there will be much in the way of overall price changes to tech II from PI, but I'll wait and see what the numbers show.

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